joins our exclusive family!
Topping off the day
was a ride across
the Whisky Creek Trestle
just above the
Konkolville Motel.
From the first moment Joe and Sherry bought the Konkolville Motel they have had to put up with a bunch of
wierd guys who used their lodging as a railbiking headquarters.
Joe was encouraged to take a short ride behind the motel in 2012 and indicated he would like a bike of his
own. Peter provided his steel Whitey frame and Jim attached one of his bikes and a new railbike was born.
Joe's excitement was like a little kid in a candy store.
On Memorial Day the threesome set out on Joe's first official ride, documented in the photos on this page.
The only picture missing is of Joe sliding down the embankment on his butt to get the bike back to the motel.
Is there a path in our future?
Returning from Lewiston (above)
along the Clearwater River.
At right,
the long steel bridge
across the Clearwater
one mile above Spalding.
Joe leads Peter
across Whiskey Creek.
It was his first serious test
of nerves. We took him
across on the downhill run to
avoid the spooky feeling of the banked curve at the
west end of the trestle.
Passing under Highway 95
as we approach Spalding
on our ride back from Lewiston.
Joe follows Jim across
one of the bridges on the
Jaype line. We rode about
one mile beyond the repaired
bridge 5 and then back to