Photos by Arne Nilsson
and Michael Conley
The September 2002 outing hosted by Dick Smart
included the Camas Prairie's 2nd and 4th Subdivisions in Idaho, Northern Pacific's Homestake Pass over the Continental Divide in Montana and a camp-out in the desert on the Nevada Northern. Eight riders joined in for all or a portion of the two weeks of riding (and a lot of driving).
A smattering of photos will give you a glimps of their adventures.
Photos from top to bottom:
1. Arne rides the rails into infinity on the Nevada Northern. The days were pleasant but the nights were freezing.
2. Eloy and Arne climbing
Homestake Pass on the Northern Pacific.
3. Dick gets personal with a tree on the west side of Homestake Pass. The lower regions became impassable in sections, but the roadbed was clear toward the summit.
4. The weeds are starting to take over on the Camas Prairie.
5. Mike, Eloy, Dick, Arne, Bear and Eric.
6. Eloy rides through some light growth on Homestake.
7. Eileen on Eric's four-wheeler crossing the Half Moon on the Camas Prairie 2nd Sub. The Half Moon is one of everybody's favorites.
8. A busy grade crossing in the middle of Nowhere, Nevada, find Dick and Eloy waiting for the traffic to pass.
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